In his new book, "To Know With Certainty," Southard uses his background as a scientist and Christian to provide scientific and historical evidence that converges with Biblical truth to provide intellectual support for Christianity. He also demonstrates the role of Christianity in the development of Western Civilization and the United States of America.
Southard aims to help young Christians and their parents develop confidence so that they can defend and contend for the faith in any hostile setting ranging from the college classroom to interaction with peers.
"Our children are bombarded with misleading and often inadequate information at many stations in their lives. The church, the educational system, and parents, collectively, are failing our children by not enabling them to make reasoned choices about truth," Southard said. "As a result, the number of young people leaving the Christian faith is astounding and has both church and national security implications."
In "To Know With Certainty," readers can confidently move forward in their faith to find their role in the world.
"To Know With Certainty"
By: G. Lee Southard, Ph.D.
ISBN: 978-1-5127-8633-0 (sc); 978-1-5127-8634-7 (hc); 978-1-5127-8632-3 (e)
Available at the To Know With Certainty Website, WestBow Press Online Bookstore and Amazon
About the author
G. Lee Southard became a Christian at age 10 and has worked with church youth groups for years. This book is the result of 35 years of research, where as a scientist, Southard believed intuitively that the Bible and science had to agree, since God was the creator. He currently lives with his wife Nancy in Fort Meyers, Florida. For more information about the author and his book, please visit
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