In the book, Holson puts forward an agenda to enhance intelligence and longevity in humans, select animal species (including dogs, dolphins and elephants) and machines. This effort would extend over 1,000 years or 40 human generations. Enhancements of IQ and longevity in humans would involve both environmental and genetic improvements in membership IQ and longevity. The goal would be a mean IQ of 145 and an average longevity of 100 years in human "Uplift Project" members by the end of these 1,000 years. Given that "Uplift Project" members will probably at project outset have better than average IQ and life expectancy, this could involve as little as a two standard deviations increase in IQ (30 points) and one standard deviation increase in longevity (20 years) over these 1,000 years. "The Uplift Project" would also expand human, animal and machine membership not only across the planet, but to the moon, Mars, and space colonies.
Holson hopes that after understanding and comprehending the goal of the project, readers may gain a desire to participate in "The Uplift Project."
An excerpt from "THE UPLIFT PROJECT" reads:
Humanity has quite unintentionally achieved a high level of intelligence, linked to spoken language. This intellect has given us mastery of the planet but seems inadequate to prevent overpopulation, resource depletion, global warming, and perhaps even extinction.
By R. Robert Holson
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 336 pages | ISBN9781514456903
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 336 pages | ISBN 9781514456897
E-Book | 336 pages | ISBN 9781514456880
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
R. Robert Holson was born on an army base in 1941. He obtained a bachelor's degree in Asian history from the University of California at Berkeley. He then joined the Peace Corps and spent two years in India, where he met his wife Andrea, also a Peace Corps volunteer. Holson is fluent in written and spoken Hindi, and comfortable in scientific German and Spanish. He obtained a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Washington in Seattle. Holson then conducted neuroscience research for some 13 years at the National Center for Scientific Research in Arkansas, followed by almost as many years as professor and researcher in the Department of Psychology at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology in Socorro where he retired as departmental chair. During his second career, Holson published over 80 scientific articles. After retirement, he researched and wrote "THE UPLIFT PROJECT" while dividing his time between grandchildren in Seattle and homes in Socorro and the historic town of Alamos in Mexico.
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