Set in the summer of 1965, "He's Not My Husband" unravels the story of Betty - a housewife whose relatively normal life is shattered by the revelation that her husband, Rob, is not an insurance salesman, but an international intelligence operative working in secret for the U.S. government. When Betty learns that Rob's life is in jeopardy, she must allow an imposter, disguised by plastic surgery, to pose in her home as her husband.
"My husband traveled for business Monday through Friday for almost the entire first seven years of our marriage," Beam said. "I dedicated my book to him because, without that experience, I wouldn't have gotten the chance to let my imagination run wild with this tale of adventure, mystery and female strength."
As the book's protagonist navigates through the dangers of her new life, she learns that things are not always as they seem. "He's Not My Husband" will keep readers riveted and ready for more as Betty maintains the delicate balancing act of keeping her family protected and her predicament quiet.
"He's Not My Husband"
By Susie Beam
ISBN: 978-1-5245-7859-6 (paperback); 978-1-5245-7860-2 (electronic)
Available at the Xlibris Online Bookstore, Barnes & Noble and Amazon
About the author
Susie Beam has dabbled in pre-school teaching, office management, costume design, lifeguarding and many other pursuits. Beam currently resides in Nazareth, Penn., with her husband, two children, bird and two mischievous dogs. To learn more, please visit
Review Copies & Interview Requests:
LAVIDGE - Phoenix
Danielle Grobmeier
480-998-2600 x557
General Inquiries:
LAVIDGE - Phoenix
Maggie Driver
480-998-2600 x 584