With the number of small businesses managing their own public relations on the rise, there has been an increase in resources to help them succeed. Susan Payton is the author of DIY Press Releases: Your Guide to Becoming Your Own PR Consultant. She announces today the availability of her Kindle small business book for no cost for the next five days.
"It's given that small businesses have little to no budget to spend on marketing and public relations," says Payton, "I wanted to offer them the option to learn to write a press release and pitch journalists without having to spend a dime."
The book, available for Kindle, is a quick read that provides hands-on advice for small business owners looking to get media coverage and improve search results. The book also includes:
-Professional press release samples from PR firm
-Press release templates
-List of more than 20 press release distribution services, both paid and no cost
"I wrote this book with the entrepreneur in mind who is enthusiastic about handling her own PR," says Payton, "Writing press releases isn't difficult, with a little guidance. That's what I provide in this book."
DIY Press Releases has been positioned in the top 100 Amazon books for the PR category for several months, reaching as high as the top 10. Normally $2.99, the book will be complimentary until September 20, 2013. Download your copy here.
In addition to the ebook, Payton launched the website: How to Create a Press Release, which provides valuable advice for small businesses who can't afford to hire a PR professional. The site includes press release templates, advice on best time to send a press release to journalists, and tips for building media relations.
About Susan Payton
Susan Payton is the President of Egg Marketing & Communications, an Internet marketing firm specializing in marketing communications, copywriting and blog posts. She's also the founder of How to Create a Press Release, a free resource for business owners. She's written three books: DIY Press Releases: Your Guide to Becoming Your Own PR Consultant, 101 Entrepreneur Tips and Internet Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneurs, and has blogged for several sites, including The Marketing Eggspert Blog, as well as CorpNet, Small Business Trends, Chamber of Commerce, and BizLaunch.