"This book virtually wrote itself," author Patrizia Trani says about her new spiritual guidebook "The Chosen One" (published by Balboa Press).
"The Chosen One" is a series of short stories of intuitive writing produced from what Trani describes as direct contact with God. These writings reveal sacred teachings, guidance of love, true power and the evolution of life on Earth.
"The channelings were written as an energy vortex was opened and healing was given upon a subject," says Trani, adding that the subject may have been about a person, a creative idea, a place of business or even an individual's home.
"Humans have always desired to be spiritually guided and nurtured," she says. "This book provides direct contact with the Divine within an oracle of teachings and guidance directly relating to the individual."
An excerpt from the introduction of "The Chosen One":
"The Chosen One includes channelled writings that reveal sacred teachings, guidance, and love, touching the hearts and souls of all who read her pages. Real-life events that encompass every area of human experience are delivered to reveal, guide, and heal. It is unlimited, it is enthralling, and it is personal. There are no misconceptions and no ego, just simple guidelines and revelations beyond your cognitive thinking. This is an opportunity, offering you back your life as you were meant to live and love it."
"The Chosen One"
By Patrizia Trani
Hardcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 510 pages | ISBN 9781452509631
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 510 pages | ISBN 9781452509617
E-Book | 510 pages | ISBN 9781452509624
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Patrizia Trani works with the infinite awareness, the rapid cleansing and removal of disease, dysfunction and ailment, usually locked in genetic and past life (false) body records, as well as within the physical, chakric and etheric layers. She is also the founder of Enchanting Angels Healing and Learning Centre located in Melbourne, Australia.
Balboa Press, a division of Hay House, Inc. - a leading provider in publishing products that specialize in self-help and the mind, body, and spirit genres. Through an alliance with indie book publishing leader Author Solutions, Inc., authors benefit from the leadership of Hay House Publishing and the speed-to-market advantages of the self-publishing model. For more information, visit balboapress.com. To start publishing your book with Balboa Press, call 0800 0962774 today. For the latest, follow @balboapress on Twitter.