In 'Dreams,' DeGenova shares her experiences as a mother with her now 19-year-old son, Louis, who was born with developmental disabilities. From the moments of pure joy to the most frustrating, DeGenova shares what parents who are in her situation can expect, as well as how to handle the most difficult of situations. From the understanding of certain emotions both parents and children can go through to having the appropriate resources to get a child the help one needs, DeGenova has laid it all out for parents who are on the same road she once was.
DeGenova felt inspired to share what she went through and the trials she faced with her son after seeing a young mother with her child in a pediatric neurology waiting room. She instantly thought back to when she was in that same position, nearly 20 years prior. "I wanted to share with her a few of the things I have learned along this path, as well as what were some of my biggest mistakes," DeGenova said. "I went home that afternoon and started writing her a letter, which later became this book."
In addition to letting parents know they are not alone, "Different Dreams" provides several resources and insight to the realm of raising a child with a developmental disability.
"Different Dreams: Reflections and Realities of Raising a Child With Developmental Disabilities, A Road Map for Parents"
By Mary Kay DeGenova, Ph.D.
ISBN: 978-1-4834-7069-6 (softcover); 978-1-4834-7070-2 (electronic)
Available at the LULU Online Bookstore, Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the author
Mary Kay DeGenova is an author currently living in St. Louis.
Review Copies & Interview Requests:
LAVIDGE - Phoenix
Chris Peña