In her sequel to "Amberella in the City," author Rosemarie Kaupp brings back her main character, Amberella, in "The Ambrella Tales: Amberella and Double Double Trouble" (published by Trafford Publishing).
Amberella (based on Kaupp's dog Amber, who was a devoted companion of nearly 17 years) and her sweetheart Prince are now the parents of four mischievous puppies. With the help of their master and his family, Amber and Prince experience adventures in the United States and France while raising the pups. The grandmother in the story understands 'dog-speak' and helps Amberella and Prince through their challenges.
An excerpt from "The Ambrella Tales"
Her parents had insisted on a long engagement so both she and Prince would be close to two years old. Amberella sighed and looked across the kitchen. Zozue and Tutsu, her French poodle sisters, lay sleeping. She laughed when she thought about them.
They wanted a magnifique wedding for Ma Petite as they called Amberella. This included ice sculptures, beverage and chocolate fountains and cherubs hanging in the trees.
"I want to entertain children and parents with an adorable likeable cast of characters," shares Kaupp. "They don't always get things right, but still love and support one another in an amusing way. It is also an opportunity to be introduced to a new language, culture and country. There's a hidden message that everyone makes mistakes, but mistakes can be handled by working together."
"The Amberella Tales"
By Rosemarie Kaupp
Hardcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 144 pages | ISBN 9781466992337
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 144 pages | ISBN 9781466992344
E-Book | 144 pages | ISBN 9781466992320
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Rosemarie Kaupp is an experienced school nurse, lifelong dog lover and a writer with humor and a unique perspective. She resides in southeastern Pennsylvania where she writes and speaks on topics such as child education and parental bereavement support issues.
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