Bayl, inspired by her mother-in-law's captivating stories of World War II, began writing "Focus on Survival" to preserve her family's memories of and experiences during one of Europe's darkest periods in history. Opening prior to the start of World War II, Bayl's book deftly documents the impact of the Nazi occupation of Holland on ordinary citizens and follows its protagonists all the way through the war to its conclusion on May 8, 1945.
"'Focus on Survival' is a tale of love and hate, war and peace, pain and joy, and fear and exhilaration," Bayl said. "My hope is that this book will preserve a more than 70-year-old history of the challenges families in occupied European countries overcame during World War II and help those who have been shielded from such conflicts to develop more understanding toward the millions of people affected by war today."
Chronicling the strength of ordinary families during times of war, "Focus on Survival" puts forth a narrative of determination that also offers historic commentary on citizens' efforts to resist the establishment. Bayl's book will take readers on a harrowing journey through the artful deception of its protagonists, their struggle to continue raising a family during tumultuous times, and their ultimate relief and victory at the war's close.
"Focus on Survival"
By Julie Bayl
ISBN: 978-1-5035-0220-8 (hardback); 978-1-5035-0219-2 (paperback); 978-1-5035-0218-5 (electronic)
Available at the Xlibris Online Bookstore, Barnes & Noble and Amazon
About the author
Julie Bayl was born in Sydney, Australia, in 1950 and worked in the education field for nearly 30 years. She has spent much of her life participating in voluntary community work and continues to do so at present. Bayl's husband's family, on which "Focus on Survival" is based, emigrated to Australia from Holland in 1953 seeking a better life. She has three children and two grandchildren and currently resides in Central New South Wales, Australia.
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