CHARLOTTE, N.C., Sept. 14, 2017 /PRNewswire/ Bible study groups, pastors, and Christian speakers will have the opportunity to study the book of Judges through a new lens with the help of Talbot Davis' latest book, Crash Test Dummies, from Abingdon Press. Set to release on September 19 th, 2017, it's the fifth book release from Author and Pastor Talbot Davis.
The topic of Crash Test Dummies was originally a sermon series shared at Good Shepherd United Methodist Church. The series was well received, and several other UMC pastors have used the series to craft sermons for their congregations.
The book transforms the book of Judges into short chapters and study questions. "When I opened the book of Judges and started to study it, I began to lose heart. I simply could not figure out how to turn obscure history into a compelling sermon," said Davis.
Davis shares that the point of Judges isn't redemption; it's a view of anarchy, summed up in the closing verse: Judges 21:25:In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.More literally:everyone did what was right in their own eyes. Davis worked to transform a book short on redemption and turn it into a message of hope. Focusing on God's refusal to condone sin, Davis shares how God seeks to empower his people, sharing real-life scenarios that identify with readers from all walks of life.
On Tuesday, September 19 th, Good Shepherd United Methodist Church is hosting a book signing at ArtSpace Studio, 14126 Rivergate Parkway, #200, Charlotte, N.C., in the Rivergate shopping center. From 7 p.m. 9 p.m., Davis will be signing books, and Crash Test Dummies will be available for photo shoots. Books sold at the event will benefit Carolina Cross Connection, a mission trip ministry. All of Talbot's books, including Crash Test Dummies, are available for purchase through Abingdon Press,, Amazon, and major book sellers.
About Talbot Davis
Talbot Davis is a pastor at Good Shepherd United Methodist Church, a modern congregation in Charlotte, N.C. He leads a talented group of pastors and support staff. Since Talbot began serving at Good Shepherd in 1999, average worship attendance has quadrupled, growing from 500 to 2000 each Sunday. Talbot is an accomplished event speaker, the author of four other books, and an avid blogger at He resides with his wife in Charlotte, N.C., and has two grown children.
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Markelle Harden
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