Author, filmmaker and teacher, Jeff Brown, recently spoke with Kelly McNelis Senegor, founder of Women For One, about his recent book Ascending With Both Feet On the Ground, an inspirational collection of words and wisdoms. The author of the popular, Soulshaping, Brown seeks to show readers how to bridge the gap between soul and emotion, and find their true path through life.
Brown's success with his newest book is in part a product of his social media savvy. McNelis found Brown via social media channels, saying, "His words completely resonated with me." Often funny, sometimes serious, always inspiring, "Jeffisms", as Brown's spiritually authentic sound-bytes are known across the web, are down to earth - just what one would expect from a man who left a successful career in law to lead a better life.
Brown's path towards an inspirational teacher began when he realized his true calling wasn't in criminal law. Truth, for Brown, meant something else - it meant becoming more in touch with who he is and aspiring towards a more satisfying and authentic life. Defining authenticity, says Brown, is defining one's sacred purpose, which is nestled inside the heart of the self. It's a quest for unity that embraces all parts of reality in a balanced way.
In his books and his "Jeffisms", Brown embraces both Western and Eastern philosophies, grounding them in both masculine and feminine aspects. Spirituality, he says, doesn't come from solitary meditation - instead, one can find meditation and spirituality in something as mundane as folding the laundry.
Jeff Brown is currently working on two more books and the Love it Forward movement, which seeks real changes to better communities worldwide. He can be found via Facebook or Twitter, giving out inspiring words of wisdom, teaching life lessons, and coaching people to find their soul's true calling.
Women For One was excited to speak with Brown, and supports Love It Forward as a global movement. Women For One is a global community that empowers women through sharing authentic stories, life-lessons, and inspiration. Their stories range from humanitarian issues to mindfulness, and seek to provide resources for female empowerment for all women.