Papagapitos shares that she was 4 when she was visited by otherworldly beings who told her they were her family. She could come to refer to these beings as her "Bright Friends."
"I have kept silent about these visitations by my benevolent Bright Friends. … for sixty-five years," says Papagapitos. "I can no longer maintain my silence."
Through a lifetime of open exchanges, Papagapitos reveals how her Bright Friends imparted wisdom that inspired her to believe in and ultimately share with the world the power of their goodness as well as their mission to care for and preserve the planet.
Papagapitos hopes her book will shed a light on the link between humankind and her Bright Friends: "My Bright Friends … are scientists and explorers from another world that is connected to our own," she explains. "They are also our relatives. … Whatever constitutes a 'Gold Particle' in the universe, we all possesses it; both my Bright Friends and humans. It is given (to) us by our creator, our God, from whom all things follow."
"Bright Friends"
By Karen Kalliopi Papagapitos
Hardcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 242 pages | ISBN 9781504368728
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 242 pages | ISBN 9781504368711
E-Book | 242 pages | ISBN 9781504369275
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Karen Kalliopi Papagapitos earned a degree in education from the University of Arizona and taught the children of migrant farm workers near the border town of Nogales, Arizona. She is a fellow of the World Literary Academy as well as a member of The Academy of American Poets. Papagapitos is the author of three other books. She currently lives in the Bronx, New York.
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