Author Elaine Stienon explored the lives of a group of early Mormons in the 2011 historical novel "The Way to the Shining City: A Story of the Early Mormons in Missouri and Nauvoo, Illinois" (published by AuthorHouse).
In the coming months, Stienon will be promoting her book through a new medium - radio. She will participate in interviews with five different talk radio outlets, one of which will be featured in the AuthorHouse digital magazine BookMad, available as a smart-phone application.
Stienon's book positions a fictional group of early Mormon settlers as a group that was heavily criticized for its religious beliefs and harassed by other members of society.
"I've always been intrigued by the underdog," Stienon explains, "and the early Mormons were certainly persecuted and harassed."
Unlike other Mormons of their time, Stienon's fictional group rejects polygamy. Set in the Midwest, "The Way to the Shining City" follows protagonist Gabriel Romain and his people as they are thwarted in their attempt to settle in northern Missouri. They flee to Illinois, where they establish a city called Nauvoo on the Mississippi River.
The novel describes their search for a place of refuge, the story of their persecution and the ultimate destruction of their city. Stienon hopes her readers will finish "The Way to the Shining City" with a deeper understanding of, and compassion for, early religious pilgrims.
"The Way to the Shining City"
By Elaine Stienon
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 300 pages | ISBN 9781456754167
E-Book | 300 pages | ISBN 9781456754150
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Elaine Stienon attended the University of Michigan, where she received a Hopwood Award for a collection of short fiction. She is the author of "Lightning in the Fog", "Utah Spring", "The Light of the Morning" and "In Clouds of Fire". Her short fiction has appeared in The Potomac Review, Cimarron Review, The Writer's Journal and Bear River Review.
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