The consequences of incarceration on both inmates and their families are far-reaching, but what about reentry? How do they return to society and their loved ones?
In her new book, A Look Behind the Walls, Connie Alexander believes that faith, hope and communication are key to understanding the difficulties faced by the incarcerated and their family members.
A Look Behind the Walls details the positive impact that the integration of faith-based programs had on the inmates that Alexander worked with in Texas prisons. Through a federal grant, People of Principle, Alexander and her team held faith and marriage counseling programs for the inmates and their spouses.
Alexander wrote this book to "document all the experiences we had during the four years of People of Principle. The information that was learned, the stories that the teachers from POP experienced firsthand, and the changes in our viewpoints that occurred."
Alexander's conversational writing style and her honest opinions on her prison ministry experience allow readers to feel like a part of her journey and understand the power of perspective, second chances and faith.
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A Look Behind the Walls
By Connie Alexander
ISBN: 9781462403196
Softcover, retail price: 8.99
E-book price: 3.99
About the author
Connie Alexander retired from the Texas education system after 35 years of teaching and coaching. She was a project manager of the People of Principle federal grant for four years in West Texas. Alexander lives in Midland, Texas with her husband, Clayton, and continues to work in prison ministry through Kairos, Kairos Outside and the Stepping Stone Ministry.
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