The limitation of time creates a need for a structure in people's lives even in retirement; otherwise, retirees face the risk of doing nothing, which is not fulfilling. Some are comfortable with relatively loose structures; others need greater structure.
Before retirement, structure was imposed. People had to be at work at 9:00 and home by dinnertime, or had clients to serve and court dates or appointments to comply with. In retirement nobody imposes a structure. The absence of a structure is one of the biggest challenges in retirement. To a harried worker of today, the prospect of having no imposed structure may seem heavenly, but for most people when that structure is gone, it is frightening. Retirees have to create a structure to induce them to do something. The structure should be loose and flexible. Otherwise, people don't follow it, or on the contary follow it compulsively, which destroys fulfillment.
Retirees should establish a structure by considering what is important to them and creating a loose schedule. Here is the author's daily schedule six days a week (Sundays are free and for planning the week), keeping in mind that the times are approximate and flexible:
Whenever (usually between 6:00 and 7:00)--Wake up, have coffee and read interesting parts of the New York Times online.
8:00, or so-9:00--Breakfast and shower, etc.
9:00-10:00--Meditation and Pilates.
10:00-1:00--Internet time, both personal and book promotion (blog Tuesdays and Thursdays; book promotion--Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday).
1:00-2:00--Lunch and free time, sometimes away from home to fill a need to get out of the house.
5:00-6:00--Walk (interrupt writing to walk in winter when it is dark by 5:00, then resume writing until 6:00).
6:00-7:00--Free time.
8:00-10:00 or 11:00--read, watch movie or free time.
10:00 or 11:00--Bed.
This is a fairly tight structure. Many people may need a looser structure, but keep in mind that this structure, like any retirement structure, is flexible. It is not a schedule. The author does not adhere to it strictly, as one might in a job; he uses it as a guide. It is best to try to do all of the items each day; that is a goal, but it must be remembered that it is only a loose structure. Lemon considers writing his work. By setting up this structure, even though he doesn't follow it exactly as he would a schedule imposed on him by an employer, he pursues his passion for writing and completes a book every year or so. The retirees structure is inner-directed, not imposed. It can and should be modified as circumstances change and experience with the structure is gained.
Any structure can and should be modified to accommodate a spouse or partner, as well as social interaction with friends and family. Flexibility is key. If a structure is not working, change it.