This story follows Colonel Alberto Monserrat and his rival general Benito Renecat, and their dreadful conflict that emerges between the greedy colonel and the powerful general. Readers will find a detailed analysis of the political and social context in Latin America through this story. Pierre-Jerome's classical story of military power and corruption also describes the machismo that exists in all layers in Latin American society.
An excerpt from the book:
The colonel slid the documents into two separate small plastic bags. In less than two minutes, he managed to dial the secret code to open the safe door, grab the documents, secure them, and wrap up the process with a short prayer. Then he walked out of the office. An unusual fake smile invaded his face. He approached his wife and daughter and said, "Let's go. Let's leave now!"
"Courage and Dignity"
By Claude Pierre-Jerome
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 566 pages | ISBN 9781524547820
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 566 pages | ISBN 9781524547837
E-Book | 566 pages | ISBN 9781524547844
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Claude Pierre-Jerome is a medical doctor and associate professor of radiology. He is the author of several articles and co-author of several books in medicine. His first novel "Miserere Nobis" was release in 2011.