The young people in our society are the basis for future development. However, the importance of this group is often overlooked and understated.
In Andrew Collin's new book, "Kidz 2 Cherish" three pre-teen siblings pull young readers through a series of events where ingrained traits of responsibility and courage, along with a free spirit, lead them in the right direction.
A fun and entertaining book, Collins also tackles important themes for youth and early teens while highlighting and demonstrating affirmative traits that will lead them to grow up purposefully.
"This book is based on stories that I used to tell my own grandchildren," Collins said. "I hope young readers will find their time spent with it enjoyable and will integrate the morality and character-building lessons presented into their daily lives."
Collins has traditionally donated proceeds from his four books to charity.
For more information, visit http://www.HOXOXOH.com
"Kidz 2 Cherish"
By: Andrew Collins
ISBN: 978-1-49189-947-2
Softcover retail price: $16.95
E-book retail price: $3.99
Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and AuthorHouse online bookstores
About the author
Andrew Collins' passion for writing opened the doors for him to attend Clemson University on a scholarship. Now years later, Collins has authored four books and a variety of songs on iTunes. As a retired orthodontist, Collins currently dwells betwixt Durham, North Carolina and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina with his wife of 58 years, Shirley. When not writing, Collins enjoys running, golfing, cultivating and more.