Augustus Books and Adam Quinn have fully revised Adam's 2004 novel, Little Green Men, for a special new second (Augustus Books) edition to celebrate ten years in print.
Brief Synopsis of "Little Green Men" by Adam Quinn
The unbelievable has happened. Aliens have made contact. The world erupts into alien adoration upon their arrival. Most believe this to be the start of fantastic wonders to come to earth. However, once his initial fanaticism wears off, Maclean starts to feel there is more to these aliens than their friendly-faced personas would suggest. The aliens seem to have an alternative agenda... but no matter who Maclean tries to warn, no one will listen to him.
Originally published in 2004, by Gateway publishers, this is a fully revised 10th Anniversary Edition of Adam Quinn's Little Green Men with a brand new foreword by the author.
With an introductory price of $2.99, Little Green Men is available through Amazon (Kindle Store), ibooks and all major electronic book retailers.
"Little Green Men" joins "The Milk of Paradise" and "Bytes and Species" in the canon of Adam Quinn works published through Augustus Books.
Also available from Augustus Books:
"The Milk of Paradise" and "Bytes and Species" by Adam Quinn
"Dark" by Pat Dixon & "The Spirit of Scotland" by Angus MacKinnon
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