Eric Hertz, an Atlanta, Georgia-based attorney, brings nursing home neglect and abuse to light in his new book, Nursing Home Abuse and Your Loved Ones. The new book is a primer about nursing homes, and includes information regarding the various types of nursing homes, services that may be provided, coverage provided by Medicare and Medicaid, and statistics about nursing homes.
"Every nursing home resident deserves to be respected," says Hertz. "Most importantly, my book covers the rights all nursing home residents have and what their loved ones can do when a resident's rights are violated."
Hertz, a double board certified trial attorney, has a wealth of experience filing claims against nursing homes throughout the Southeast and winning fair and equitable settlements for his clients. According to Hertz, nursing homes too often look to protect their bottom line rather than those who have been entrusted to their care.
"I have dedicated my career to helping those who can't help themselves," says Hertz. "I want to be the champion, advocate, and protector of those who have spent their lives giving so much to their loved ones and now need someone to look out for them."
To find out more about Eric Hertz, his practice, and receive a copy of Nursing Home Abuse and Your Loved Ones, please call (404) 577-8111 or visit
Eric J. Hertz, P.C.
Phone: (404) 577-8111
Email: hertz(at)