Jane H. Goldman, who won a Drama Desk Award as associate producer of the long running show "Celebrity Autobiography", which recently had its Broadway debut, has released her first book, "With No Regrets - Getting Older: Face It, Live It, Love It" (release date August 2019 from The Three Tomatoes Publishing, available for sale on Amazon). In these beautifully written essays and poems, Jane shares her thoughts about life-often how she was feeling about hers at any given time, or what her friends were feeling about theirs-whether it was about growing older, relationships, careers, friendships, or loss. Basically, the stuff of life. Other pieces are her somewhat quirky observations about life. Her writings started as a way for her right brain to exercise itself as her left brain did most of the work as a corporate attorney by day. At the urging of some friends, she decided to turn them into a book of reflections in the hopes that other women will also laugh and nod and see themselves in this journey of life too.
This honest, straight from the soul book will resonate with every woman who is struggling with growing older and learning to embrace it. A witty and sharp observer of life, Jane H. Goldman reveals universal fears and thoughts about growing older and freeing ourselves from the expectations of others. She looks within and realizes how often she lived her life being what others wanted her to be-parents, lovers, friends, employers. She's not afraid to examine fears of growing older; vanity and greed; lovers who were right and wrong; choices made along the way; loss and grief; regrets; and most of all learning to live life fully and living it as herself. In these beautiful and cleverly written essays and poetry, you'll find insights and inspiration for your own journey and living a life without regrets.
Jane H. Goldman is a renaissance woman. For a number of years, she was General Counsel-Vice President of Warner Bros Distributing Corporation and thereafter litigation counsel to its parent company, Time Warner Inc. She now pursues and lives her passions, which include painting, sculpting, music, and writing.