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From the evolutionary psychology that the society is built upon to theories of state and power, the book serves as a guide not only to understand how to bring change on a large scale through political activism, but how to change one's own understanding to better serve his or her aspirations by understanding the paradigms that better suit reality.
"What this book aims to do is to describe how building upon evolutionary principles can create innovative and new approaches to both how to seek change in our personal lives as well on a political scale," the author shares.
Waddle sees that people often want change but are forced to choose the "lesser of two evils." Through the book, he provides a third option to change for the better despite what options are given by the current political framework. He hopes that his core message of personal change is something that resonates with many people "as our greatest need for change is often the need to change ourselves."
"How to Change the World: Synergenic Philosophy and the Axis of Power"
By Arthur E.B. Waddle
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 402 pages | ISBN 9781984529435
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 402 pages | ISBN 9781984529442
E-Book | 402 pages | ISBN 9781984529459
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Arthur E.B. Waddle is an independent researcher from Burns Lake, British Columbia, Canada. Between his study and hands on research as he traveled British Columbia, he has developed a philosophy of selfless action and political activism that is steeped in the paradigm of the ethical control of power. Not without struggle, he labored to apply his theory and create change despite some political and societal challenges. To him, the release of his debut book, "How to Change the World: Synergenic Philosophy and the Axis of Power," is just the beginning - the first step on a long road to spreading the principles of constitutional technocracy and synergenic philosophy.
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