Since he is disabled by a crippling disease, Army veteran Darryl Dean Wright spends most of his waking hours at the computer in his home in Elizabethton, Tennessee. "The first manuscript Darryl sent me contained over 300,000 words," said Karen Stone of Waldenhouse Publishers, Inc. "I had to break it up into 3 parts even to begin to get a handle on it."
Like J.R.R. Tolkein, Wright actually wrote the second part of his space odyssey first. "That is what made the task so difficult," said Stone. "We were brought in at the middle of the plot." Wright had to go back and write the "first" book before Waldenhouse would accept his work.
"I was captivated by the author's personal story and the energy of his writing," said Stone. "He previously worked at RR Donnelley and had the dream of seeing his book come through the plant in print. That didn't happen, but Waldenhouse was able to offer the economy of e-books. We are able to get his voluminous works out to the public."
Dale Hudson, former maintenance supervisor from Johnson City RRD, says Darryl Wright was a perfectionist. "The press room knew he loved 'Star Trek,' so they nicknamed him Captain Clerk (Capt. Kirk). He was comical and we all loved him - when he wasn't stirring a hornet's nest!"
Wright has since published five e-books in the series. The continuing story follows the exploits of the Houston family - three brothers and two sons - as they battle aliens, make alliances, and struggle to save humans and their allies from destruction.
Margaret Knaub, from Pennsylvania, said of his last book, "It was a spectacular and unexpected ride, two thumbs up!"
Another fan of his space opera, Sharon Reigel from Maryland said, "Reminded me of when I was a kid reading 'A Wrinkle in Time'. I loved it!"
Books in the 'Adventures of Space Cadets 101' series are: 1. Space Pirates, Allies and Aliens; 2. Invasions; 3. Weddings; 4. Back At It on Two Fronts; and 5. Captain Kirk... Houston. The sixth book 'Adventures of Space Cadets 101: ISIS' is to be released in July 2015, and the seventh 'Rhumans' is in production.
Wright is also a poet and songwriter. 'Volume I: Songs and Poems' is available as a free e-book at His short story 'Dark Black Friday' can also be read through the publisher's website.
Author Bio
Darryl Dean Wright grew up as a military brat until he enlisted in the United States Army in 1980. He graduated from Robinson High School in Tampa, Florida, the same year. Darryl has lived in almost every state of the US and in many countries around the world, though his imagination thrives in outer space. His household includes not only his son but also his wonderful mother in Elizabethton, Tennessee.
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