"Throughout modern history, cataclysmic events have often served to demarcate dramatic changes in the way we view ourselves and our world. One such event was the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. While its impact is inestimable, one clear result was an immediate and almost complete distrust of our fellow Muslim citizens," says author, Rashid Osmani.
The power of poetry is in its simplicity. It is meant neither to define nor explain but rather to encapsulate its subject in both its totality and its essence-but through an emotional landscape. Like many parts of life that people encounter, it is a paradox, a wonderful paradox filled with the capacity to provoke thought, to induce change, and to make life more understandable on an elemental level. Befitting the onerous implications of a clash of civilizations, Osmani believes his second collection of poetry is a hopeful, optimistic, and insightful journey into the heart of the post-9/11 Western world. He says that it is a powerful, unconventional collection of moving intimacy and stunning breadth, "Are Muslims Savages? Short Poems on Their Faith and Feelings as Viewed from the West" is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding our current society and its impact on the adherents of the world's predominant faith.Videos