After the horrific Nazi occupation of Poland during World War II, the Yalta Conference entrusted the Polish territories to the monstrous Joseph Stalin. The day of German defeat in 1945 marked the day of liberation from Nazi oppression for the rest of Europe, but drove the Polish people into a deeper nightmare.
As a gesture of domination, Poland's national crest-a crowned white eagle-suffered a vandalistic reverse-coronation by the hands of the Russian-installed communist authorities that ruled the country. Even after gestures of humiliation-both symbolic and actual- Dr. Anthony P. Kowalski's new book "The Crowned White Eagle" describes the unfailing bravery and resistance of the Polish people against oppression and extortion.
"My entire life, I have identified with the plight of the Polish people," Kowalski said. "Even after a long history of oppression, the Polish people have maintained their courage, dignity and humor."
Kowalski's study of Poland was inspired by his work there as dean of a business school where he helped the Polish government and banking systems transition to capitalism after the fall of the Soviet Union. His book includes a history of his family, whose experiences intertwined with the fate of Poland, serving as a narrative to focus, intensify and personalize Kowalski's historical account of the country.
"The Crowned White Eagle" is a celebration of the Polish people, culture and tenacity. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the patient and enduring Poles re-crowned their national symbol. Although Poland still has its struggles to deal with, Kowalski says the country has a great deal to celebrate and feel proud of.
"The crowned white eagle has arisen," he said.
"The Crowned White Eagle"
By Anthony P. Kowalski
ISBN: 978-1-4691-6891-3
Available in softcover, hardcover, e-book
Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Xlibris
About the author
Dr. Anthony P. Kowalski is a retired educational administrator and a dispensed and married Catholic priest. He speaks Polish and lived in Poland for a year while he helped the newly independent nation transition to American-inspired democracy and capitalism. He received his doctorate from New York University and lives with his wife near Baltimore, Maryland.
For review copies or interview requests, contact:
Matt VanScoik