Noted author and speaker, Anthony Horvath, has launched a search for stories from parents who have been told that their unborn child would be born with something drastically wrong with them, only to have the doctors proved wrong upon birth. The outspoken pro-life advocate is compiling stories for a new book project entitled, "They Were Wrong".
"Almost every time I finish giving a presentation I will be approached by someone telling me how doctors said that their child would have such and such problem once it was born but after birth it is discovered that the child is perfectly healthy," says Horvath. "Unfortunately, a huge number of women abort their child based on the declaration that something is horribly wrong about him or her. Given how many times variations of this story is shared with me, it has occurred to me that perhaps it is time these stories be compiled into a book," he adds.
Horvath emphasizes that even a right diagnosis doesn't justify 'termination' as he and his wife were told that their daughter would have spina bifida and in their case, the doctors were correct. He documented their story in my book We Chose Life: Why You Should Too and speaks often about their experience. Horvath says of the issue, "Nonetheless, the fact that doctors could be wrong, and often are, remains one of the reasons why, even if you are not 'pro-life,' you should still choose life."
Parents with stories to tell can contact the author through a page on the Athanatos Christian Ministries website. Plans for the completed book include distribution to hospitals, clinics, pregnancy centers and for people wanting to give the book to friends/family who have just heard their child has a problem and is considering abortion.