Throughout the years, there have been sightings of the Virgin Mary urging mankind to change their ways and accept God into their lives. The first sighting was in 1917 in Fatima, Portugal and the second in Garabandal, Spain. In "God's Warning 2016 Miracle 2017" (published by Xlibris) the author, Anthony Francesco, creates a truly enlightening read that delves into the true meaning of these sightings and what it may mean for mankind.
"God's Warning 2016 Miracle 2017" is an eye-opening read that shows readers that the multiple sightings of the Virgin Mary is a precursor to an event that will change the world forever. It also shows that this coming event was foretold to be a great miracle; one even greater than the two previous appearances by the Virgin Mary. The book also shows readers that this miracle will affect all of humanity.
This illuminating read was written to show readers that a truly great miracle is looming, and that humanity must be prepared for it.
"God's Warning 2016 Miracle 2017"
By Anthony Francesco
Hardcover | 6x9in | 66 pages | ISBN 9781503544741
Softcover | 6x9in | 66 pages | ISBN 9781503544758
E-Book | 66 pages | ISBN 9781503544765
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
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