The book is set in Vermont and New York and eventually settles in Vermont. Allie and David have a bad past. One they each need to repair. They grew up two towns over in New England but never met. Eventually, their paths will cross. Caesar Rondina states, ”My 30 years in pre-hospital medicine and working many crimes scenes make the events in this series accurate and realistic. The series will be available in print, e-book, and audiobook.”
Each book involves a different murder mystery as one leads to another, as the lives of the characters are also developed. Before a reader realizes it, they are captivated by the story as well as the characters. Caesar Rondina states, “The key is how I put these components together that makes this trilogy exciting, and much more than a basic murder mystery.”
As the curtain unfolds, you will meet Allie and David, the two main characters. As the plot progresses, other characters are introduced into the storyline and the family becomes an evolving part of the plot. Combined with romance, you have everything in a murder mystery that any reader could ask for. I came across Caesar Rondina after seeing his name exploding on Google and YouTube for writing many books, book trailers, and educational materials on Life Through A mirror combines murder, mystery, romance, and family, in a manner that will captivate your mind, and steal your heart.
The book trailer is exciting and provides a 4-minute sample of the audiobook. Instantly, the music captures your attention. As it transitions into the audiobook, you will hear the voice of Award Winning NYT/USAT Best Selling Author Narrator Marnye Young. By this time, I was I hooked. She brought life to the two main characters in a unique way. I commented on the excellence of the trailer and book covers. Caesar Rondina stated, "I am honored that a narrator of Marnye Young’s, (Audio Sorceress), stature, accepted me as a client. She will be narrating the complete series as has become a friend and someone I rely upon for advice. JodieLocks Designs designed my audiobook cover, and all the covers for the following books in this series. Jodi is innovated. She possesses an outstanding creative talent. I am a multi-genre writer, therefore, it is important to work with people that can capture the visions for my books.”
Caesar Rondina further stated, “Anyone can write a book. Not everyone can write a connection. I write connections. Connections that join my readers, my story, and myself together. It is personal because writing is personal. The book review for this book was spot on. If this book is not picked up as an option for a TV series or movie, I would be shocked.” It has every component any screenwriter could ask for in one book.