Anna Todd, known for her After series, which had its start as One Direction fanfiction posted to the story sharing website Wattpad, has just launched a new mobile app.
The new app will feature exclusive content and in between chapters of her upcoming books. Readers are encouraged to join the community to create their own content to share and have a chance to be a part of her upcoming writings.
Using the pen name "imaginator1D" on Wattpad, Todd began writing After in 2013 on Wattpad, where it quickly became popular. The series focused on the English band One Direction, particularly its member Harry Styles. It was purchased by Simon & Schuster and Harry Styles was renamed Hardin Scott for the book release. Film rights were acquired by Paramount Pictures and Susan McMartin has been announced to write the script.
In 2015 Todd announced that she would be publishing Before, a prequel novel that tells the events of After from the perspective of Hardin Scott.
The series has sometimes been compared to the Fifty Shades trilogy as both series had their start as fanfiction. Reviewers at the website site Jezebel criticized the series and stated that it "echoes the troubling dynamics of 50 Shades", as they felt that Harry's character "behaves at best like a prick, at worst like an abusive boyfriend in the making"