SAN FRANCISCO, May 15, 2017 /PRNewswire/ One of the best ways to decrease stress and blood pressure and elevate feel-good hormones is with the help of a dog or a cat. Pets can be better than pills when it comes to people's emotional and physical health, says Carlyn Montes De Oca, author of Dog as My Doctor, Cat as My Nurse: An Animal Lover's Guide to a Healthy, Happy & Extraordinary Life (April 2017).
She stresses the following:
Montes De Oca's book tour will take her to Barnes & Noble Loma Theater in San Diego on May 20; Chaucer's Books in Santa Barbara, on May 25 and Bloomsbury Books, Ashland, Ore., on June 2. She will donate 50 percent of book sales at those events to Rocket Dog Rescue, Lionel's Legacy, Santa Barbara Humane Society and the Southern Oregon Animal Rights Society. When not on tour, she donates 10 percent of book sales to animal rights organizations.
Praise for Dog as My Doctor
"If you love animals you will love this book. If you don't live with an animal, you will want to adopt one so you too can live a healthier, happier, and more extraordinary life."Maria Jacquemetton, Emmy Award-winning executive producer and writer ofMad Men
"Loved it! Everything that Carlyn shares in her book is the truth about the benefit of pets and your health."Bernie Siegel, MD, author ofLove, Animals & MiraclesandA Book of Miracles
Credentials: Montes De Oca is an author, speaker, acupuncturist, plant-based nutritional consultant, and animal advocate in private practice near San Francisco. She holds a master's degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Emperor's College. She is certified in plant-based nutrition by the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutritional Studies at Cornell University. Montes De Oca has been a spokesperson for the Guardian Campaign at In Defense of Animals She is the founder of The Animal-Human Health Connection, focusing on bringing awareness to the powerful ways animals enhance human health, happiness, and longevity.
Contact: Carlyn Montes De Oca, (415) 306-1853;,
SOURCE Carlyn Montes De Oca