"An Adventurous Life: A Personal and Cultural History" is the autobiography of Robert Hauptman, an established academic, who also has a passion for climbing mountains and for enjoying the natural world. Now a retired professor and editor of the Journal of Information Ethics, he reflects on the adventures he has had over the years. It will appeal to climbing enthusiasts and academics alike.
Robert Hauptman is a retired professor. He worked as a reference librarian and an instructor for a quarter of a century, first at the University of Oklahoma and then at St Cloud State University in central Minnesota, where he taught undergraduate and graduate classes in information media and honors program courses in the humanities and social sciences. He holds a BA in German, MA in English, MLS in library science, PhD in comparative literature, and PhD (ABD) in library science. He has some 600 publications in four disciplines: literary criticism, library science, ethics, and general interest. He is the co-author of The Mountain Encyclopedia (2005) and Grasping for Heaven: Interviews with North American Mountaineers (2011); his latest scholarly studies are Documentation (2008) and Authorial Ethics (2011); and he is the founding and current editor of the Journal of Information Ethics. He continues to write and climb. During the summer of 2005, he climbed 19 times including Washington's Baker and Adams; in the 2006 season he climbed Rainier. In 2012, he did Lassen, the South Sister, and Adams. He climbs Vermont mountains, such as Stratton, Mt Snow, and Mansfield, very frequently. He has stood on the high points of 45 of the 50 states. He is 71 years old and has an 11 year old daughter, Kira, who likes to climb too.Videos