The story unfolds with Amy, an independent girl with a very busy life. Amy's family is introduced, including her mom, brother (Tommy), and dog (Waggy). Amy is so busy that she does not realize just how sick her mom is, and suddenly she has to learn how to handle her mom's death. Her independent nature takes over, leaving her alone in her grief. Through her sadness, Amy channels her grief through a little white butterfly that suddenly appears. The little white butterfly flutters around Amy during her time of sorrow and even lands on her face, kissing her tears away. The butterfly's actions seem to help Amy find peace within herself. She begins to think that her mom is somehow communicating through this little white butterfly and is trying to help her cope with her grief. Amy finally realizes that her mom is still with her, still loves her, and will remain in her heart forever. Visit the author's website at to purchase her new book.