Madeleine Somerville's All You Need is Less: The Eco-Friendly Guide to Guilt-Free Green Living and Stress-Free Simplicity (Viva Editions 2014) has been on a virtual book tour to celebrate the book's release. Eco-friendly, lifestyle, and parenthood blogs have been raving about Somerville's writing. Hands and Hearts More than Full enthuses that "she writes in a way that is completely relatable, never condemning, and will make you laugh until you cry." Similarly, So Easy Being Green wrote that the book "covers the basics in a fun and quirky light, but covers some serious issues about today's culture and our obsession with consumerism." Find more from the tour at Somerville's official website, Sweet Madeleine.
What People Are Saying about All You Need Is Less:
"All You Need Is Less does a good job at making green living seem more attainable and manageable, and that's definitely something worth promoting."
"Chock-full of ways to save both the planet and money."
Top eco-blogger Madeleine Somerville's premier book All You Need is Less is full of original-and fun!-ideas on how to save money and the planet. Somerville has emerged as the voice of reason on urban homesteading that is stress-free, sanity-based and above all doable. All You Need Is Less demonstrates how to realistically adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle without either going nuts from the soul-destroying guilt of using a plastic bag, or becoming a preachy know-it-all whom everyone loathes from the tips of her organically-shampooed hair to the toes of her naturally-sourced recycled sandals.
About the Author:
Madeleine Somerville adores writing in all its incarnations, and has a popular blog at She has a B.A. in sociology and became an unrepentant, tree-hugging hippie after moving to British Columbia eight years ago. She lives in Vancouver, Canada with her husband, Adam, her baby girl, Olive, and their dog, Gus.