All-Purpose Guru LLC, a family of blogs by David M. Guion, is offering the ebook 125 Ways to Go Green and Save Green at the Same Time free on Kindle from March 25 to March 29.
There seems to be great interest in a greener lifestyle these days, but not enough people have yet concluded that the "sustainability revolution" will have to be driven by consumers and small businesses.
Who else? The federal government has become spectacularly dysfunctional. Some large corporations have learned that being environmentally responsible greatly helps their bottom line, but certainly not a majority.
Individuals seem to lack confidence in their power to make changes. Indeed, one person making a small lifestyle change will have no influence on society. A few hundred million people making the same or similar small lifestyle changes will have tremendous influence.
On the other hand, some people have gone to great lengths to go green, including giving up anything that can be used only once. Yes. That means toilet paper! The majority of the population has no interest in going that far. Many people might find the example so intimidating that they become reluctant to do anything at all.
Guion observes, "There are many easy ways to live a greener lifestyle. No one has to try them all at once, either. Once a few new things become a comfortable habit, try a few more." Some of these tactics don't cost much money. Some cost nothing at all. Even the most expensive ways, like moving to a smaller house, will pay for themselves eventually in reduced energy costs, among other things.
The ebook includes tips for using less gasoline, electricity, natural gas, water, and paper. There are tips for grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, and gardening. They represent the solid research that is All-Purpose Guru's hallmark. All statistics have been carefully verified, and Guion has provided links to the sources.
125 Ways to Go Green and Save Green at the Same Time is available exclusively through Kindle. Once the free period is over, it will return to its regular price.
All-Purpose Guru LLC is a family of blogs and other Internet writings, including Sustainable Green Homes. It also operates Eco-Friendly Home Products, an online "green shopping mall." David M. Guion is a semi-retired librarian and music historian with a distinguished record of academic publication.