Akashic Books calls for flash fiction submissions. Are you a parent going through the Terrible Twos? Did you live through them and survive? Terrible Twosdays is a place to commiserate over the unending shenanigans of your Darling Children (as the online parenting communities say). Nonfiction stories will be considered, so long as names have been changed to protect the guilty.
Inspired by our best-selling gift book for parents, Go the F*** to Sleep, Terrible Twosdays joins the roster of our other online short fiction series. Unlike Mondays Are Murder and Thursdaze, we're looking for stories with a light and mischievous feel, all about the day-to-day challenges of parenting. As with our other flash fiction series, stories must not exceed 750 words.
Celebrate Marriage Equality on Twitter!
To celebrate the release of We Do!: American Leaders Who Believe in Marriage Equality and the Supreme Court's recent ruling against the Defense of Marriage Act, we invite you to celebrate marriage equality with Akashic Books!
How do you get involved? We want to see your wedding photos! On October 15th, the official publication date of We Do!, we invite you to tweet your wedding photos at us with #WeDo!Videos