The book explains the effect through the conversation of three human entities - the mental, the physical and the emotional. Revealed through their discussion are the reasons why the lack of aerobic exercise is to blame for the hardening of the arteries, the development of excessive cholesterol buildup inside the arterial walls and the weak collateral circulation.
As a physical educator, Portal spent 37 years teaching the aerobic preventive approach to arterial difficulties. "We are talking about a muscle system that has been weakened by the inactivity of modern technology. "
"Surviving prior to the Industrial Revolution meant that for most of the muscular arterial system experienced aerobic (being out of breath) activity multiple times daily. Those were constant strengthening events. Because each stroke is more efficient fewer resting pulse beats or blows are required which is important since humans are in a resting state exposure for most of their lives. C-Reactive Protein is a substance that measures inflammation in the arterial system. The inflammation interferes with arterial flexibility (hardening of the arteries)."
"Cholesterol is involved but not to the extent believed by most. C - reactive protein proves that inflammation is most serious where the arteries fork. Forks that lie directly in the path of millions of excessive resting heart beats. The resulting damage and lack of flexibility allows the buildup of excessive cholesterol. Cholesterol, a substance we can't live without wrongly becomes the villain when it is really a lack of exercise."
"This fresh approach has no rival and represents a genuine advance in the prevention of arterial disease. We are not what we eat but rather we are what we do," Portal concludes.
"Aerobics: The Invisible Advantage"
By Ronald Portal
Softcover | 5 x 8in | 110 pages | ISBN 9781403335159
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Ron Portal is retired after 37 years of teaching physical education in the San Jose Unified School District in California. His career was most influenced by a 35-year-old heart specialist who was speaker at a physical education conference in 1961. The doctor provided his audience with a detailed explanation of the effects that aerobic exercise has on the arterial systeM. Shortly after that presentation, the young doctor unexpectedly died of a brain tumor and his revolutionary ideas about the influence of aerobic exercise were forgotten.
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