Masterfully crafted by Simi Fromen, "Ascending Voice" is a profound, heartfelt collection of yoga-inspired poetry, prose, letters, affirmations and mantras - designed to compel readers to stop, look inward and prosper on their journey to self-discovery. Yet this is so much more than a poetic self-help book; the volume contains over fifty journal pages readers can use to map out and reflect on their new life. One critic recently wrote, "Elegant and raw, her work resonates with the reader on an intimately driven level. I wholeheartedly suggest this mesmerizing piece of creation to all readers infatuated with poetry."
"I will keep on searching until I find the very best of me," Simi Fromen writes. There's no way to sugar coat it; today's world is fraught with confusion and rampant discord. Self-love and vulnerability are often thrown to the side in pursuit of more macro endeavors and, as a result, it's no surprise most are left with little self-esteem and a feeling that they just don't fit into the world.
It's a dilemma Simi Fromen knows well and, in an empowering and potentially life-changing new book, hopes to remedy with gusto. "Ascending Voice" is so much more than a self-help book; it's a poetry-inspired collection of writings that speaks to the soul. Self-healing has never been more accessible or powerful.
The author has gained a devoted following on Instagram of over 50,000 followers. This was not an overnight success. What started as a cathartic post on Instagram, grew along with the support of an entire writing community. One of her devoted followers to this day is Leann Rhimes, a well known country singer. This is all happened within a year.
Ascending Voice is now available on Amazon worldwide and was #1 in Hot New Releases. It is a perfect coffee table book, Sunday morning read with hot cocoa, and a great holiday gift.
For further info, contact Simi Fromen:
Press: Featured in Natural Awakenings.
In March/April issue of Mantra Magazine.
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