From the one and only Aro-health therapist in the world comes a helpful book that guides readers in practicing and making use of Aro-healing. Author Lynette Barnard introduces a new kind of therapy teeming with benefits through her newest publication, "ARO - HEALING Touching Lives - THEORIES, TECHNIQUES AND THERAPIES" (published by Xlibris UK).
Aro-healing as a Body-Based Alternative Therapy covers a wide field, but is narrowed down wherein one can pinpoint the overall theme of this volume to therapeutic massage, touch and therapy. The therapy of Aro-healing is all about tactile communication - touch and tenderness that influences both the body and mind.
Sharing what she is most familiar with, Barnard reveals a wealth of information on using massage therapy and essential oils as ways of releasing stress, while discussing topics such as aromatherapy and reflexology. Readers will learn how to use these innovative healing techniques to nurture themselves and those around them.
By Lynette Barnard
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 852 pages | ISBN 9781483631639
E-Book | 852 pages | ISBN 9781483631646
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Lynette Barnard is the one and only Aro-health therapist. She is the solitary specialist in the Aro-healing Revised Complimentary Therapy (ARC) and the sole being qualified under Arochology - in the universe. There is no other like her. Barnard created a therapy that is able to promote health and stifle age; she shaped The Millennium Age Therapy, as well as produced Touching Lives.
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