John Waddell's ground-breaking new book Archaeology and Celtic Myth was launched in front of a great crowd in
the Galway Museum on 16 July by Vincent Woods, current host of 'The Arts Show' on RTÉ Radio One. A must-read for all archaeologists and lovers of Irish history!
In this book John Waddell contends that elements of pre-Christian Celtic myth preserved in medieval Irish literature shed light on older traditions and beliefs not just in Ireland but elsewhere in Europe as well. He mainly focuses on aspects of the mythology associated with four well-known Irish archaeological landscapes: Newgrange and the Boyne Valley, the royal sites of Rathcroghan in Co. Roscommon, Navan in Co. Armagh, and Tara in Co. Meath. Their mythological associations permit the pursuit of the archaeological implications of several mythic themes, namely sacral kingship, a sovereignty goddess, solar cosmology and the perception of an Otherworld.
Archaeology and Celtic myth
An exploration
John Waddell
232pp; colour ills. April 2014
Catalogue Price: €45.00
Web Price: €40.50