"Am I Pretty?" by Lindsey Jensen Berke is an innovative introduction to the topic of beauty and children.
The book serves as a visual tool to spark the conversation and address issues of self-confidence, bullying, self-esteem and cultural obsession with appearance.
It shares the story of Julia, a little girl facing bullying at preschool. While getting ready for school, she asks her mother if she is pretty. After trying to avoid the answer, her mother must discuss issues of self-esteem, beauty, bullying, body image and empowerment.
Berke was inspired to help fellow parents navigate this often-difficult discussion after dealing with the issues of childhood self-esteem firsthand with her daughter.
She hopes the book will help parents speak to their children about the enormous pressure on society to look a certain way and how the issue of beauty relates specifically to children.
"Am I Pretty?"
By Lindsey Jensen Berke
Softcover: $16.99, 978-1-48080-108-0
Hardcover: $22.99, 978-1-48080-106-6
E-Book: $3.99, 978-1-48080-107-3
Available at amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, archwaypublishing.com
About the author
Lindsey Jensen Berke is a mother, wife and author. A graduate of the University of Maine, she holds a Bachelor's degree in Child Development and has worked in childcare centers, recreation departments, hospitals and as a preschool teacher. She currently lives in Virginia with her husband and two children.
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