River Bend is a fictional town populated by seemingly real people - in particular newcomer Lynn Palmer and a local police detective named Dusty Reid. And yes, there's a romance brewing between the two in the pages of Renee Kumor's hot new series, The River Bend Chronicles. Not to mention a few murders.
Such is small town life.
Readers will be thrilled to learn that the fourth book in the series -An Act of Charity - has just been released in both digital and paperback editions by Absolutely Amazing eBooks. It's available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or the publisher's online bookstore (AbsolutelyAmazingEbooks.com).
Barely one year ago the first book in the series - Small Town Secrets - touched a nerve with readers. "This book had me captivated from the first page," said one Amazon reviewer. "I can't wait to find out about the rest of the stories of the folks of River Bend."
"There are many characters in this peaceful small town which are well developed," notes another reviewer. "All of the murders were solved and the book ended with some hints of more romances for future books. I am looking forward to reading the next book."
That next book was Taking a Chance, a book that AAeB editor Pamela Paige calls "a grabber of both your heart and mind."
And the third title in the series is the holiday-themed 'Tis the Season. Here, Lynn and Rusty really get serious about each other while solving a few murders. As one Amazon reviewer wrote, "After having read the first two in the River Bend Chronicles, I was curious to see if Dusty and Lynn would get together and what other murders Lynn would happened upon. This book didn't disappoint in either of these scenarios."
Now, in this latest entry - titled An Act of Charity - we see Lynn getting drawn into a murder that requires Dusty's intervention. An actor who has come to town to help with the production of an Arts Council play is murdered. Two days later another actor is also found dead. During the investigation, Dusty pleads with Lynn to elope, but the killer has other plans for them. Murder and marriage - what a combination!
All four of these entries in the ongoing River Bend Chronicles are priced at only $3.99 per ebook, or $14.95 for the 6" x 9" paperback edition.
Renee Kumor has lived in North Carolina for over thirty years. The setting for the River Bend Chronicles series reflects her early life in Ohio and her later years in western North Carolina. After many years as a stay-at-home mom, Kumor entered small-town politics. After serving eight years as a county commissioner, she then returned to non-profit service and began writing a monthly column for the local newspaper on non-profit management and community service issues.
Renee Kumor reports that there are fewer murders in her hometown than encountered by the residents of River Bend.