Claudia Lorraine Andrus, an exceptional woman of God whose love ones and friends attribute to her many titles such as "Mother Andrus," "Missionary," "Prophetess," "Teacher," "Prayer Warrior," publishes her inspiring memoir, titled Life On A Candlestick. Addressed to every reader needing hope and encouragement, her book is a testament to how, throughout her life, she has lived up to the laudable titles that have been lovingly attached to her name and have endeared her to everyone.
As God's missionary, prophetess and prayer warrior, she testifies how God's hand was present either through her life or through the different circumstances that she faced, through bad choices, and through a designed pattern that was set before her. She bears witness to the countless blessings that a dedicated life to God can bring. Having also lost her mother at a very tender age and her beloved husband Bishop Louie Andrus, she unites her prayers with her readers who have lost a spouse or a loved one.
As a mother and teacher, Andrus shares her real life story just as a mother shares them to her children. She openly talks about failures in relationships and eventually finding a pure wholesome love orchestrated in heaven; a love story that holds their interest from start to finish. She offers encouragement and helps those who have experienced the loss of a loved one. She basically designed her book so that it educates readers about the compassion, mercy, grace, and forgiving power of God. Her other works include: 40 Passions of Christ in Poetry, Passion and Value of Salvation, Keeping The Flesh Under Subjection, and Making It Plain - Life.
Evocative, inspirational and a wellspring of blessings, Life On A Candlestick will show readers how God's mighty hand is at work and how He swiftly answers prayers. Readers will see how timely He moves; they get a higher perspective of His Holiness. This is a memoir that has in store for every reader a myriad of blessings.
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About the Author
Claudia Lorraine Andrus (Cole) was born in Kansas and raised by God-fearing grandparents. They instilled in her the love of God and how to serve Him diligently throughout life. After hearing her mother went to heaven when she was only a few months old, she planned and started designing her life to follow her. This decision led to a life of trials and tribulations. Throughout the shaping of her life, you will see how God moves in spectacular ways to show forth His glory and power of deliverance in every situation. His timely acts, His mercy, and His grace caused her to put pen to paper to help others and to tell of His wondrous love and what He has done and that He is no respecter of persons.
Life On A Candlestick * by Claudia Andrus
Publication Date: August 7, 2012
Trade Paperback; $19.99; 115 pages; 978-1-4771-4361-2
Trade Hardback; $29.99; 115 pages; 978-1-4771-4362-9
eBook; $3.99; 978-1-4771-4363-6
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