“I wanted to express my thoughts and feelings on what it is to be a struggling musician,” Remzi said. “This book is to get some things off my chest, but to also inspire others to follow their dreams.”
Remzi, a talented musician, has spent most of his life chasing his dreams of becoming a professional performer in Australia while also struggling with fitting the mold of others around him. He writes this book to encourage readers to never give up on their dreams; to chase after the things that make them happy; and to never let struggles hinder them from following their passion.
“Thinking back on my life, I’ve learned a lot about living, loving and pursuing the dream,” Remzi said. “I want to encourage others to not fit in the mold and to be themselves, to be whatever makes them happy.”
“A Unique Mind, Strong Music Unsigned”
By Taner Remzi
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 96 pages | ISBN 9781514442074
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 96 pages | ISBN 9781514442067
E-Book | 96 pages | ISBN 9781514442050
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Taner Remzi is an original Australian alternative rock/pop music artist, expressing his soul honestly and with musical flair, covering a broad range of styles and influences. Remzi has studied music, written and played with many respected musicians in Melbourne. He has an observant, open outlook on life, often with dry humor and a rare sensitivity. A deep, thoughtful and pensive thinker, he has a vast amount of strong memories. They range from infancy to present. These recollections are the catalyst for a fascinating and insightful book of a truly unique character.
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