"A Tree Called Oscar" is a children's picture book written by G.K. Jones. The book depicts the need for nurturing parents, friendship, and learning to adapt to life's difficulties. This includes characters who compromise for the sake of each other's happiness.
The titular character is a tree who is planted near his parents. Oscar grows as animals and human children befriend him. When Oscar's home is in danger of being destroyed, his friends work together to find balance between urban development and natural preservation.
Jones wrote "A Tree Called Oscar" to subtly teach parents and children through the actions of the characters.
"It's important for parents to know when to keep their children close and when to let them make decisions for themselves," said Jones. "The book also shows that we must have good friends who can help in times of need."
"'A Tree Called Oscar' shows the importance of involved parents, friends, and comprise in life," said James Edelstein, author of "Two Brothers." "It has wonderful illustrations and shows a lot of love."
As the story is enjoyable to read and teaches important lessons to children, "A Tree Called Oscar" is a valuable book for loved ones to share together.
"A Tree Called Oscar"
By G.K. Jones
ISBN: 978-1-48970-657-7 (hardcover); 978-1-48970-656-0 (softcover);
978-1-48970-655-3 (eBook)
Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and LifeRich Publishing
About the author
G.K. Jones is an architect, builder, furniture maker, sculptor, and artist who studied at Long Beach State and UCLA. She did paintings for television shows and has many works in private collections. She has two children and three grandchildren, and currently lives with her three dogs in Arroyo Grande, California. To learn more, visit the author's website at http://www.atreecalledoscar.com.
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