Shades of Tom Clancy, author Viggo Conradt-Eberlin crafts a thrilling tale of military fiction focusing on the perspective of intrepid servicemen whilst the Cold War goes hot, pitting America and Russia against each other in a potential Third World War. Amongst these members of the US Armed Forces are "A Danish Knight and an American Lady" (published by Xlibris), whose actions will determine the fate of countless lives.
With a narrative that alternates between military strategy and humanitarian concerns, Eberlin portrays the suspenseful events of his in a multi-faceted manner, juxtaposing the epic scale of a full-scale confrontation between the East and West with the concerns of those at the forefront of this conflict. The heart of the story lies in the journey of Dan Knight, a Navy serviceman who returns to the civilian world with a one-dollar car and the hope that he can catch up with his contemporaries. His world revolves around his pursuit of a college degree and a job. Fate has other plans for him, though, as the world explodes overnight and the Cold War goes flaming hot. Knight receives orders: return to the service immediately. He is deployed on board a US Navy warship and he must contend with the mundane and life-threatening aspects of naval warfare, namely the green crews, bunkmates and seasickness, as well as the hazards of submarines and spies. Along the way, he encounters an unexpected peril, a woman who he cannot help but fall in love with, forcing him to face the ultimate choice - follow his heart or uphold his oath.
Blending the genres of romance and action, Eberlin's story aims to appeal to fans of both genres and general readers as well.
"A Danish Knight and an American Lady"
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 142 pages | ISBN 9781499015904
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 142 pages | ISBN 9781499015911
E-Book | 142 pages | ISBN 9781499015836
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Viggo Conradt-Eberlin uses his own life experiences as the jump point of his creativity. From Seaman Recruit to full Commander, he served in the United States Navy for 24 years. A survivor of the Cold War and the second Berlin Crisis, he also served aboard in Vietnam, Guantanamo Bay, the Pacific and the Mediterranean. His dry land duty stations included Washington, D.C.
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