On the farm one day, Luella discovers a mother owl with three baby owlets residing in a nest in a cottonwood tree. The young girl decides to take responsibility for the owl family, and develops a unique relationship with the grateful mother owl.
The story celebrates a wholesome, simple lifestyle. Luella thrives in tending to nature - and gains a greater appreciation for animals. For her efforts, the mother owl gives Luella a gift she will never forget.
Gaenzle hopes her book will encourage readers to, "develop a sense of wonder about their possible relationship with the animals in their lives."
"Luella and Nita the Owl"
By Nancy Gaenzle
Hardcover | 8.5 x 11 in | 24 pages | ISBN 9781480863248
Softcover | 8.5 x 11 in | 24 pages | ISBN 9781480863224
E-Book | 24 pages | ISBN 9781480863231
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Nancy Gaenzle was born and raised in a small town in southern Idaho on the Camas Prairie. Her love for wildlife comes from her grandmother, Mary, who had a special fondness for birds. Gaenzle, a retired schoolteacher, has one daughter, Marta, and one granddaughter, Luella. The "Luella" books are named after her granddaughter. The characters are named after actual family members to honor their legacy and their positive influence on her life.
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