"Burn This" is a powerful drama written by Lanford Wilson that premiered in 1987. The story unfolds in the bohemian art world of downtown New York City in the 1980s. It centers around Anna, a dancer grappling with grief after the death of a close friend, and Pale, a volatile restaurant owner with a hidden past. Their chance encounter ignites a passionate and intense connection, laced with raw emotions and unspoken desires. The play explores themes of loss, love, and the complexities of human relationships.
"Burn This" garnered critical praise for its raw and honest portrayal of human connection. The play delves into the characters' vulnerabilities and the challenges they face, creating a captivating and emotionally charged experience for audiences.
Year | Category | |
2019 | Best Revival of a Play |
Road Less Traveled Productions is at 456 Main St, Buffalo, NY.
Shipwrecked! An Entertainment—The Amazing Adventures of Louis de Rougemont (as Told by Himself) (9/12/24-10/13/24)
The Light Fantastic (2/22/24-3/24/24)
Fairview (4/20/23-5/14/23)
Sweat (1/12/23-2/5/23)
Murder Ballad (9/10/20-10/4/20)
The Antipodes (1/16/20-2/9/20)
Interrogation Room (11/1/19-11/24/19)
The Authentic Life of Billy the Kid (9/12/19-10/6/19)
Disgraced (3/9/18-3/31/18)
The Nether (1/19/18-2/11/18)
Shea's Performing Arts Center (3/25 - 3/30) | ||
The Cher Show (Non-Equity)
Warner Theatre (2/25 - 2/26) | ||
The Lion King
Shea's Performing Arts Center (12/18 - 1/5) | ||
Back to the Future: The Musical
Auditorium Theatre (6/17 - 6/22) | ||
A Beautiful Noise
Shea's Performing Arts Center (4/8 - 4/13) | ||
DORIAN By Phoebe Eclair-Powell and Owen Horsley
Irish Classical Theatre Company (3/28 - 4/13) | ||
The Cher Show (Non-Equity)
Shea's Performing Arts Center (4/2 - 4/4) | ||
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