Resale fashion retailer Buffalo Exchange is joining with The Humane Society of the United States to help end animal testing-one dollar at a time. Buffalo Exchange will host a one-day $1 Sale on the Saturday before Earth Day, April 20, 2013, where customers will find high-quality used and recycled fashion apparel and accessories on sale for only one dollar. All proceeds from the purchase of $1 items will then be donated to The HSUS' "Be Cruelty-Free" campaign to help increase awareness about cruel animal tests done for cosmetics and personal care products; to educate consumers about cruelty-free brands; and to encourage them to use their buying power to urge cosmetics companies to go cruelty-free.
Details about the Earth Day $1 Sale are available at and on the Buffalo Exchange Facebook page. Resources include an online pledge to "Be Cruelty-Free", a "Leaping Bunny" list of cruelty-free cosmetics brands, and other educational information. Customers are also encouraged to spread the word on Facebook and Twitter using #becrueltyfree @humanesociety and @buffaloexchange.Videos