Hard working playwright, director, producer, writer ... you get the point.
He does it all. And who is he?
He is Phil Davis, Sr. and Phil took some time to answer a few questions.
"Daddy's Girl Club" is a TV Series you created. How did it start?
Started from a conversation my wife and I had after watching several TV series, that all were filled with drama stemming from what we saw as daddy issues.
How much of the series is about your life, family and friends?
All four main characters are based on people I know.
Are you a part of any of the characters?
Somewhat. One of the main characters deals with a father who is there financially but not so much emotionally.
Do you write all the scripts yourself?
You also direct?
How do you keep from burning out and keeping the creative flow?
Things just come to me and when they do I go until I can't anymore.
How many episodes do you have written and filmed?
We filmed the pilot episode but will be reshooting the whole series as we had to replace some original cast. Ten hour long episodes have been written.
You just came out with a novella "Daddy'sGirl Club Scarlet's Diary". What is the novella about?
It's a backstory about the teenage years of one of the main characters Scarlet; what she went through and how it helped her become the character now.
Why should people want to watch the series and read the novella?
Because it deals with issues and characters that people can relate to and learn from.
Time to promote ... Any upcoming book signings?
We're scheduling our next pilot episode screening and book signing
Thursday, August 31st @ 7pm
Merriweather Library.
1324 Jefferson Ave
Buffalo, NY 14208