What can make any Poet happy?
It's their first chapbook.
Catherine Keller talks a little about herself and her first Chapbook.
MCL: When did you start Writing Poetry? What did you first start Writing about?
CK: I started writing poetry when I was 16, about 6 years ago. At first it was terrible and cliché but as I grew to learn more about myself, including activism, spirituality, and making sense of my mental health, I figured I could only write about what was important to me.
MCL: What makes you want to Write?
CK: The bizarre things that inspire a particular corner of my brain whenever I randomly see something that interests me.
MCL: What Poets have influenced you?
CK: I love Rudy Francisco, Savannah Brown, Siaara Freeman, and Blythe Baird.
MCL: Describe your Writing style?
CK: Embellished ranting. Whatever I write is scattered, not just with poetry and fiction, but my writing is like a stream of consciousness. Sometimes I can't help but think it's just a literary way to complain.
MCL: What's your favorite subject matter to Write about?
CK: In the past, I've focused a lot on mental health, both analyzing it and expressing it creatively through characters. I'm excited to start writing more about spirituality and witchcraft, art, and adventures through nature.
MCL: How personal do you get in your Writing?
CK: I get pretty personal; I cross some boundaries that even surprise myself by how much I've elected to share.
MCL: What do you want people to know about you?
CK: I'm a bisexual pagan who can pick things up with her toes haha ummm I love waterfalls, sunsets and lightning storms and I usually read at least 60 books a year.
MCL: If someone wanted to contact you ... How could they?
CK: They could message me on any of my social media! My instagram is @catiekeller.
MCL: You have a book out? Details please? Where can people buy it? What's the theme? Let us know!
CK: My book is available on Amazon! It's my first poetry chapbook, 'Sonder', which covers topics ranging from mental health, the creative process, inequality, and relationships.