Comedians Zach Zimmerman (2019 TimeOut NY Comic to Watch), Anna Roisman (HQ), Michael Cruz Kayne (High Maintenance), & Gwynn Ballard (An Evening In) perform at "WALT", a comedy show at Union Hall in Brooklyn on Friday, February 28, 2020 at 10:00pm. WALT is your new favorite comedy show named after a character from an early 2000s television show. Every month WALT hosts a stacked line up of comics with fresh sets that will leave you screaming: WAAAALT?! Hosted by Tracy Soren, Angela Palladino, and Julian Edward Williams.
For more information visit:
Ticket price: $8-$10
FRIDAY * FEBRUARY 28TH * 10:00 PM * UNION HALL (702 Union Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215 )