TONGUE HONEY premiered their first show Solarplexus at Rockwall Studios in 2017 before touring the show to the 2018 Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Now after residencies at the Irondale Center in Brooklyn and the Upper Jay Arts Center and Recovery Lounge in Upstate New York, TONGUE HONEY returns to Rockwall to premiere BIRDBRAINS: an immersive Bouffon performance.
For almost a decade, the Birds have patiently waited their high holiday: Demos Oneroi. To prepare, they chew on a psychoactive root and share their dreams, envisioning a better world. But when two humans crash land on their island, can the Birds hang onto tradition and stay true to their dreams?
A sprawling, fantastical, and unhinged piece of physical theater with live music, dance, and flight. BIRDBRAINS asks you to think with your feelings, not with your head.
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